

(*DCT et/ou FFT*)


let pi=3.1415926535897932384626433832795;;


let fft mat = let m1=make_matrix 8 8 0. and m2=make_matrix 8 8 0. and temp =ref 0. and temp2=ref 0. in

for u = 0 to 7 do

for v = 0 to 7 do



for i = 0 to 7 do

for j = 0 to 7 do

temp:= !temp +. cos ( pi /. 4. *. ( (float_of_int u)*. (float_of_int i)+.(float_of_int v)*. (float_of_int j)))*. mat.(i).(j) ;

temp2:= !temp2 -. sin ( pi /. 4. *. ( (float_of_int u)*. (float_of_int i)+.(float_of_int v)*. (float_of_int j)))*. mat.(i).(j) ;


m1.(u).(v)<- !temp /. 8.;

m2.(u).(v)<- !temp2 /. 8.;




let unfft (m1,m2) = let mat=make_matrix 8 8 0. and temp =ref 0. and temp2=ref 0. in

for u = 0 to 7 do

for v = 0 to 7 do



for i = 0 to 7 do

for j = 0 to 7 do

temp:= !temp +. cos ( pi /. 4. *. ( (float_of_int u)*. (float_of_int i)+.(float_of_int v)*. (float_of_int j)))*. m1.(i).(j) ;

temp:= !temp -. sin ( pi /. 4. *. ( (float_of_int u)*. (float_of_int i)+.(float_of_int v)*. (float_of_int j)))*. m2.(i).(j) ;


mat.(u).(v)<- !temp /. 8.;





let un_of_deux (m1,m2)= let mat = make_matrix 8 8 0. in

for i = 5 to 7 do

for j = 0 to 7 do

mat.(i).(j)<- m2.(i).(j);


for j = 5 to 7 do

for i = 0 to 7 do

mat.(i).(j)<- m2.(i).(j);


for j = 0 to 4 do

for i = 0 to 4 do

mat.(i).(j)<- m1.(i).(j);













let ch0 =int_of_char `0`;;

let ch i=char_of_int (i + ch0);;



let deux_of_un mat = let m1 = make_matrix 8 8 0. and m2 = make_matrix 8 8 0. in

for i = 0 to 7 do

for j = 0 to 7 do


match (ch i,ch j) with

|(`0`..`4`,`0`..`4`)|(`1`,`5`..`7`)|(`2`,`5`..`6`)|(`3`,`5`)|(`5`,`1`..`2`)|(`6`,`1`)->m1.(i).(j)<-mat.(i).(j); m1.((8-i) mod 8).((8-j) mod 8)<-mat.(i).(j);

|_->m2.(i).(j)<-mat.(i).(j); m2.((8-i) mod 8).((8-j) mod 8)<-(-. mat.(i).(j));







let makerand ()= let m = make_matrix 8 8 0 in

for i = 0 to 7 do

for j = 0 to 7 do

m.(i).(j)<-random__int 256;



let simp (m1,m2)= let l1 = make_matrix 8 8 0 and l2 = make_matrix 8 8 0 in

for i = 0 to 7 do

for j = 0 to 7 do





let simp2 m1= let l1 = make_matrix 8 8 0 in

for i = 0 to 7 do

for j = 0 to 7 do




let moins (m1,m2) (m3,m4)= let l1 = make_matrix 8 8 0. and l2 = make_matrix 8 8 0. in

for i = 0 to 7 do

for j = 0 to 7 do

l1.(i).(j)<-m1.(i).(j) -. m3.(i).(j);

l2.(i).(j)<-m2.(i).(j) -. m4.(i).(j);



let moins2 m1 m3= let l1 = make_matrix 8 8 0. in

for i = 0 to 7 do

for j = 0 to 7 do

l1.(i).(j)<-(float_of_int m1.(i).(j)) -. m3.(i).(j);




let fourier mat = un_of_deux (fft mat);;

let unfourier mat = unfft (deux_of_un mat);;


(*fin FFT*)


(*let tempory = ref [||];;*)


let c = function

0->1.0/.(sqrt 2.)



let sousftab = make_matrix 8 8 0.;;

let creersousftab () =for a=0 to 7 do

for b = 0 to 7 do

let a1=float_of_int a and b1=float_of_int b and pi=acos((-.1.)) in

sousftab.(a).(b)<-cos ((2.*.a1+.1.)*.b1*.pi/.16.);done;done;;




(*let sousf1 a b = let a1=float_of_int a and b1=float_of_int b and pi=3.14159265 in

cos ((2.*.a1+.1.)*.b1*.pi/.16.);;*)

let sousf1 a b = sousftab.(a).(b);;


let nbDCT u v mat = let s=ref 0. in

for i = 0 to 7 do

for j = 0 to 7 do

s:= !s +. (mat.(i).(j)) *. (sousf1 i u ) *. ( sousf1 j v )

done;done;1.0/.4.0*. (c u)*.(c v)*. !s;;



let DCT mat = let mat2 = (make_matrix 8 8 0.) in

for u = 0 to 7 do

for v= 0 to 7 do

mat2.(u).(v)<-nbDCT u v mat



let DCT_mat a = let larg = vect_length a and haut = vect_length (a.(0)) in

let a2 = make_matrix larg haut [|[||]|] in

for i = 0 to larg-1 do

for j = 0 to haut-1 do

a2.(i).(j)<- DCT (a.(i).(j))



let nbunDCT i j mat = let s = ref 0. in

for u = 0 to 7 do

for v = 0 to 7 do

s:= !s +. (c u) *. (c v) *. (mat.(u).(v)) *. (sousf1 i u) *. (sousf1 j v)

done;done;1.0/.4.0*. !s;;


let unDCT mat = let mat2 = make_matrix 8 8 0. in

for i = 0 to 7 do

for j = 0 to 7 do

mat2.(i).(j)<- nbunDCT i j mat



let unDCT_mat a = let larg = vect_length a and haut = vect_length (a.(0)) in

let a2 = make_matrix larg haut [|[||]|] in

for i = 0 to larg-1 do

for j = 0 to haut-1 do

a2.(i).(j)<- unDCT (a.(i).(j))




let FFT_mat a = let larg = vect_length a and haut = vect_length (a.(0)) in

let a2 = make_matrix larg haut [|[||]|] in

for i = 0 to larg-1 do

for j = 0 to haut-1 do

a2.(i).(j)<- fourier (a.(i).(j))



let unFFT_mat a = let larg = vect_length a and haut = vect_length (a.(0)) in

let a2 = make_matrix larg haut [|[||]|] in

for i = 0 to larg-1 do

for j = 0 to haut-1 do

a2.(i).(j)<- unfourier (a.(i).(j))







let creermatquant n = let mat = make_matrix 8 8 0 in

for i = 0 to 7 do

for j = 0 to 7 do

mat.(i).(j)<- 1+(1+i+j)*n





let quantification mat mat2 = let mat3=make_matrix 8 8 0 in (*mat2:mat de quantification*)

for i = 0 to 7 do

for j = 0 to 7 do

mat3.(i).(j)<-int_of_float ( mat.(i).(j)/. float_of_int mat2.(i).(j));

(*if mat3.(i).(j)>128 then mat3.(i).(j)<-128 else

if mat3.(i).(j)<(-128) then mat3.(i).(j)<-(-128)*)




let quantification_mat a n = let larg = vect_length a and haut = vect_length (a.(0)) in

let a2 = make_matrix larg haut [|[||]|] and mat2=creermatquant n in

for i = 0 to larg-1 do

for j = 0 to haut-1 do

a2.(i).(j)<- quantification (a.(i).(j)) mat2



let dequantification mat mat2 = let mat3=make_matrix 8 8 0. in (*mat2:mat de quantification*)

for i = 0 to 7 do

for j = 0 to 7 do

mat3.(i).(j)<-(float_of_int mat.(i).(j))*. (float_of_int mat2.(i).(j));



(*let matr = ref [||];;*)


let dequantification_mat a n = let larg = vect_length a and haut = vect_length (a.(0)) in

let a2 = make_matrix larg haut [|[||]|] and mat2=creermatquant n in

for i = 0 to larg-1 do

for j = 0 to haut-1 do

a2.(i).(j)<- dequantification (a.(i).(j)) mat2







let pair a = ((a/2)*2)=a;;

let impair a =not (pair a);;


let lecturezigzag mat = let liste= (make_vect 64 0) and x=ref 0 and y = ref 0 and des= ref true in

for i = 0 to 63 do




if ((!y=0 or !y=7) & (pair !x)) then begin x:= !x+1;des:=(!y=0) end

else begin

if ((!x=0 or !x=7) & (not (pair !y))) then begin y:= !y+1;des:=(!x=7) end

else begin

if !des then begin y:=!y+1; x:=!x-1 end

else begin y:=!y-1; x:=!x +1 end






let ecriturezigzag liste = let mat= make_matrix 8 8 0 and x=ref 0 and y=ref 0 and des = ref true in

for i = 0 to 63 do


if ((!y=0 or !y=7) & (pair !x)) then begin x:= !x+1;des:=(!y=0) end

else begin

if ((!x=0 or !x=7) & (not (pair !y))) then begin y:= !y+1;des:=(!x=7) end

else begin

if !des then begin y:=!y+1; x:=!x-1 end

else begin y:=!y-1; x:=!x +1 end





let approx n= if (n-.(floor n)) >=.0.5 then int_of_float ((floor n) +.1.) else (int_of_float (floor n));;





let downsample mat n =let mat2=make_matrix 4 (4*(3-n)) 0. and s=ref 0. in

for x = 0 to 3 do

for y = 0 to (4*(3-n)-1) do


for i = 0 to n-1 do

s:= !s+. mat.(2*x).(y*n+i)+. mat.(2*x+1).(y*n+i)


mat2.(x).(y)<-(!s)/. (float_of_int (2*n)) (*pas d'approx car ensuite on applique dct*)




let undownsample mat = let mat2 = make_matrix 8 8 0. and n = 3-(vect_length (mat.(0)))/4 in

for x = 0 to 7 do

for y = 0 to 7 do







let downsample_mat a = let larg = vect_length a and haut = vect_length (a.(0)) in

let a2 = make_matrix larg haut [|[||]|] in

for i = 0 to larg-1 do

for j = 0 to haut-1 do

a2.(i).(j)<- downsample (a.(i).(j)) 2



let undownsample_mat a = let larg = vect_length a and haut = vect_length (a.(0)) in

let a2 = make_matrix larg haut [|[||]|] in

for i = 0 to larg-1 do

for j = 0 to haut-1 do

a2.(i).(j)<- undownsample (a.(i).(j))




let reco a b c d = let e = make_matrix 8 8 0. in

for i = 0 to 3 do

for j = 0 to 3 do







let moye a = let s = ref 0. in

for i = 0 to 3 do

for j = 0 to 3 do

s:=a.(i).(j) +. !s



let approxi a b = if a/b *b= a then a/b else a/b+1;;


let recolle_downsample (a:float vect vect vect vect) =let larg = vect_length a and haut = vect_length (a.(0)) in

let a2 = make_matrix (approxi larg 2) (approxi haut 2) [|[||]|] in

for i = 0 to larg/2-1 do

for j = 0 to haut/2-1 do

a2.(i).(j)<-reco (a.(i*2).(j*2)) (a.(i*2+1).(j*2)) (a.(i*2).(j*2+1)) (a.(i*2+1).(j*2+1))


begin if (impair haut) then

for i = 0 to (larg/2)-1 do

let temp = make_matrix 8 8 (((moye (a.(i*2).(haut-1))) +. (moye (a.(i*2).(haut-1))))/.2.) in

for x = 0 to 3 do

for y = 0 to 3 do





begin if (impair larg) then

for i = 0 to (haut/2)-1 do

let temp = make_matrix 8 8 (((moye (a.(larg-1).(i*2))) +. (moye (a.(larg-1).(i*2))))/.2.) in

for x = 0 to 3 do

for y = 0 to 3 do




begin if (impair (haut*larg)) then

let temp = make_matrix 8 8 (moye (a.(larg-1).(haut-1))) in

for x = 0 to 3 do

for y = 0 to 3 do





let decoupe mat = let a = make_matrix 4 4 0. and b = make_matrix 4 4 0. and c = make_matrix 4 4 0. and d = make_matrix 4 4 0. in

for i = 0 to 3 do

for j = 0 to 3 do








let unrecolle_downsample a largeur hauteur = (*largeur et hauteur de l'image en pixels*)

let nbl =approxi largeur 8 and nbh = approxi hauteur 8 in



let a2 = make_matrix nbl nbh [|[||]|]

and larg = vect_length a and haut = vect_length (a.(0)) in

for i = 0 to larg -1 do

for j = 0 to haut -1 do

let temp = decoupe (a.(i).(j)) in

a2.(2*i).(2*j)<-(function (a,b,c,d)->a) temp;

begin if 2*i+1<=nbl-1 then a2.(2*i+1).(2*j)<-(function (a,b,c,d)->b) temp;end;

begin if 2*j+1<=nbh-1 then a2.(2*i).(2*j+1)<-(function (a,b,c,d)->c) temp;end;

begin if 2*i+1<=nbl-1 & 2*j+1<=nbh-1 then a2.(2*i+1).(2*j+1)<-(function (a,b,c,d)->d) temp;end;






let chr n = string_of_char ( char_of_int n);;


exception zeroRLE;;

exception errRLE;;


let RLE liste= let chaine = ref "" and zero = ref 0 in

for i =1 to 63 do (*on stocke le premier ailleur!!!!!!*)

if liste.(i)=128 then zero:=!zero+1 (*le zero est en fait 128*)

else if !zero = 0 then chaine:=concat [ !chaine; chr liste.(i)]

else begin

chaine:= concat [ !chaine; chr 128 ;chr !zero; chr liste.(i)] ;

if !zero>63 then raise errRLE else

zero:=0; end;




if !zero<> 0 then

concat [!chaine; chr 128; chr !zero]

else !chaine;;



let sature liste = let liste2=make_vect 64 0 in (*ajoute 128 pour que tout soit positif et applique saturation si >255 ou <0*)


for i = 1 to 63 do (*ATTENTION ON NE TOUCHE PAS AU PREMIER:liste (0)*)


if liste2.(i)>255 then liste2.(i)<-255

else if liste2.(i)<0 then liste2.(i)<-0



let unsature liste = let liste2=make_vect 64 0 in


for i = 1 to 63 do




let asc chai=int_of_char chai;;



exception ErreurUnrle;;

let unRLE chaine = let liste = make_vect 64 0 and i=ref 1 and j = ref 0 in

while !i<= 63 do

if (asc chaine.[!j])=128 then begin

if (asc chaine.[!j+1])= 0 then raise zeroRLE else

for k = 0 to ((asc chaine.[!j+1])-1) do

if !i+k>63 then raise ErreurUnrle else



i:=!i+(asc chaine.[!j+1]);j:=!j+2 end

else begin

liste.(!i)<-(ascchaine.[!j]);i:=!i+1;j:=!j+1 end;

done;(liste,sub_string chaine !j ((string_length chaine)- !j));;




let RLE_mat a = let larg = vect_length a and haut = vect_length (a.(0)) in

let prem = make_vect (larg*haut) 0 and chai=ref "" and chai2 = ref "" in

for i = 0 to larg-1 do

for j = 0 to haut-1 do


chai2:=concat [!chai2; (RLE (sature (lecturezigzag (a.(i).(j)))))]


chai:= concat [!chai; !chai2];chai2:="";




exception ErreurRLE of int;;


let unRLE_mat chaine = let chai = ref "" and vecte = ref [||] and vecte2= ref [||] in


while (string_length !chai) <> 0 do

let temp = unRLE !chai in

chai := (function (a,b)->b) temp ;

vecte2 := concat_vect !vecte2 [|ecriturezigzag (unsature ((function (a,b)->a) temp))|];

if vect_length !vecte2 >= 1000 then begin vecte:= concat_vect !vecte !vecte2 ; vecte2:=[||];end ;

done;concat_vect !vecte !vecte2 ;;






let compte chai = let m = make_vect 256 0 in

for i = 0 to ((string_length chai)-1) do

m.(asc chai.[i]) <- m.(asc chai.[i]) + 1



let plus_petit liste=let ppe = ref (-1) and ppe2=ref (-1) and vppe=ref (float_of_int max_int) and vppe2=ref (float_of_int max_int) in

for i = 0 to ((vect_length liste)-1) do

ifliste.(i)<=!vppethenbeginppe2:=!ppe;ppe:=i;vppe2:=!vppe;vppe:=liste.(i) end

else if liste.(i)<= !vppe2thenbeginppe2:=i;vppe2:=liste.(i) end;




(*let copy_string chai = let chai2=make_string (string_length chai) `1` in

for i = 0 to ((string_length chai) -1) do



let copy_string chai = concat ["";chai];;



let rec sous_creer_arbre arb nomb = let n = vect_length nomb in

let arb2=make_vect (n-1) "" and nomb2=make_vect (n-1) 0 and min1=ref max_int and min2=ref max_int and ind1 = ref 259 and ind2= ref 259 and tem=ref 0 and arb3=copy_vect arb in

if n = 2 then [|"0";"1"|] else begin

for i = 0 to (n-1) do

if i <> (n-1) then begin arb2.(i)<-(copy_string (arb.(i))) ; nomb2.(i)<-nomb.(i);end;

if nomb.(i)< !min2 then

if nomb.(i)< !min1 then

begin min2:= !min1;min1:=nomb.(i);ind2:= !ind1;ind1:=i ; end

elsebeginmin2:=nomb.(i);ind2:=i end;


if !ind1 = !ind2 then raise Exit;

if !ind1 <> (n-1) & !ind2 <> (n-1) then begin

nomb2.(!ind1)<-nomb2.(!ind1) + nomb2.(!ind2);


arb2.(!ind2)<-(copy_string (arb.(n-1)));


let temp = sous_creer_arbre arb2 nomb2 in

arb3.(!ind1)<- (concat [temp.(!ind1);arb.(!ind1);"0"]);

arb3.(!ind2)<- (concat [temp.(!ind1);arb.(!ind2);"1"]);

arb3.(n-1) <- concat [temp.(!ind2);arb.(n-1)];

for i = 0 to n-2 do

if i <> !ind1 & i <> !ind2 then arb3.(i)<- concat [temp.(i);arb.(i)]



else begin begin if !ind1=(n-1) then tem:= !ind2 else tem:= !ind1 end;

nomb2.(!tem)<-nomb.(!ind1) + nomb.(!ind2);


let temp = sous_creer_arbre arb2 nomb2 in

arb3.(!ind1)<- (concat [temp.(!tem);arb.(!ind1);"0"]);

arb3.(!ind2)<- (concat [temp.(!tem);arb.(!ind2);"1"]);

for i = 0 to n-2 do

if i <> !ind1 & i <> !ind2 then arb3.(i)<- concat [temp.(i);arb.(i)]







let creer_arbre chai = let arbre2= make_vect 256 "" and nb = compte chai in

let mat=ref [||] in

for i = 0 to 255 do

if nb.(i)<> 0 then mat := concat_vect !mat [|nb.(i)|];


let arbr = make_vect (vect_length !mat) "" in

let result = sous_creer_arbre arbr !mat and ind = ref 0 in

for i = 0 to 255 do

if nb.(i)<> 0 then begin arbre2.(i)<-result.(!ind);ind:= !ind+1 end




let val = function



|_->raise Exit;;


let unbinar chaine = let chaine2=ref "" and n = string_length chaine and chainep = ref "" and temp = ref 0 in

chainep :=concat [chaine; make_string ((8-(n-n/8*8)) mod 8) `0`];

begin if n/8*8=n then temp:=n/8-1else temp:=n/8;end ;

for i = 0 to !temp do

chaine2:=concat [!chaine2; chr ((val !chainep.[i*8]*128)+(val !chainep.[i*8+1]*64)+(val !chainep.[i*8+2]*32)+

(val !chainep.[i*8+3]*16)+(val !chainep.[i*8+4]*8)+(val !chainep.[i*8+5]*4)+(val !chainep.[i*8+6]*2)+(val !chainep.[i*8+7]))]

done;(!chaine2,(8-(n-n/8*8)) mod 8);;



let concate a b = match a with





let huffman chaine = begin if chaine ="" then raise Exit end;

let arbre = creer_arbre chaine and chaine2=ref "" and result = ref "" and temp= ref ("",0) in

for i = 0 to ((string_length chaine) -1) do

chaine2:=concat [!chaine2;arbre.(asc chaine.[i])];


if (string_length !chaine2)>400 then begin temp:= unbinar (sub_string !chaine2 0 400);

chaine2:=sub_string !chaine2 400 ((string_length !chaine2)-400);

if ((function(a,b)->b) !temp)<> 0 then raise Exit else result := concat [!result;(function (a,b)->a) !temp] end


temp:=(unbinar !chaine2);

let temp2 = (concat [!result;(function (a,b)->a) !temp],(function (a,b)->b) !temp) in

concate temp2 arbre;;





let puiss2 i = int_of_float (2.** (float_of_int i));;



let binaire a = let n = ref (int_of_char a ) and chai = ref "" in

for i = 7 downto 0 do

if !n >= (puiss2 i) then begin n:=!n- (puiss2 i);chai := concat [!chai;"1"] end

else chai:=concat [!chai;"0"] done;!chai;;


let binar chaine nb = let chaine2=ref "" and chaine3=ref "" in

for i = 0 to (string_length chaine)-2 do

chaine3:=concat[!chaine3;binaire chaine.[i]] ;

if i/1000*1000 = i then begin chaine2:= concat [ !chaine2;!chaine3];chaine3:="" end;


concat [!chaine2;!chaine3;sub_string (binaire (chaine.[(string_length chaine)-1])) 0 (8-nb)];; (* if nb <> 0 then else !chaine2;;*)



let creermatarbre liste= let mat1 = ref [||] and mat2=ref [||] in

for i = 0 to 255 do

if liste.(i)<> "" then begin mat1:=concat_vect !mat1 [|chr i|];mat2:=concat_vect !mat2 [|liste.(i)|];end;



let verifadd chaine mat = let mat2=ref [] and mat3 = ref [] and n=string_length chaine and temp=ref true in

for i = 0 to (vect_length mat.(0)-1) do

< p>ifmat.(1).(i)=chainethenbeginmat2:=[mat.(0).(i)];mat3:=[mat.(1).(i)];temp:=false ;end else if !temp then

if sub_string mat.(1).(i) 0 n= chaine then begin mat2:= (mat.(0).(i))::(!mat2);mat3:=(mat.(1).(i))::(!mat3);end;

done;[|vect_of_list (rev !mat2);vect_of_list (rev !mat3)|];;




let unhuffman chaine arbre nb = let chaine2 =binar chaine nb and chaine3=ref "" and chaine4 = ref "" and

mat=creermatarbre arbre and enc=ref false and temp= ref "" and temp2= ref [||] in

for i = 0 to ((string_length chaine2)-1) do

begin if not !enc then begin temp:= string_of_charchaine2.[i];temp2:=mat;enc:=true end

else temp:=concat [ !temp ;(string_of_char chaine2.[i])] end;

temp2:= verifadd !temp !temp2;

if vect_length !temp2.(0)=1 then begin chaine4:=concat [ !chaine4 ; !temp2.(0).(0)];enc:=false end;

if i/1000*1000=i then begin chaine3:= concat [!chaine3;!chaine4] ; chaine4:="" ;end;


concat [!chaine3;!chaine4];;





(*lecture du fichier BMP*)

let dword a b c d = d*16777216+c*65536+b*256+a;;




let moy_mat mat x y = match (x,y) with



|(x,y)->begin let mo = ref 0 in

for i = 0 to (x-1) do

for j = 0 to (y-1) do

mo:=mat.(i).(j)+ !mo

done;done;mo:= !mo / (x*y);

let mat2= make_matrix 8 8 !mo in

for i = 0 to (x-1) do

for j = 0 to (y-1) do

mat2.(i).(j)<- mat.(i).(j)

done;done; mat2;end;;


let undword x = (x mod 256 , (x/256) mod 256,(x/65536) mod 256,x/16777216);;


#open "io";;


let charge_bmp fichier =let fic = open_in_bin fichier and temp = make_vect 55 0 in

for i = 1 to 54 do temp.(i)<-(input_byte fic) ;done;

if (temp.(1),temp.(2),temp.(29),temp.(30),temp.(31),temp.(32),temp.(33),temp.(34))<> (66,77,24,0,0,0,0,0) then raise Exit else begin

let hauteur = dword temp.(23) temp.(24) temp.(25) temp.(26)

and largeur = dword temp.(19) temp.(20) temp.(21) temp.(22) in

let nbh = approxi hauteur 8

and nbl = approxi largeur 8 in

let vert = (make_matrix nbl nbh [|[||]|]) and rouge = (make_matrix nbl nbh [|[||]|]) and bleu = (make_matrix nbl nbh [|[||]|]) in

for i = 0 to (nbl - 1) do

for j = 0 to (nbh - 1) do

vert.(i).(j)<- make_matrix 8 8 0;

rouge.(i).(j)<- make_matrix 8 8 0;

bleu.(i).(j)<- make_matrix 8 8 0;


let longli = (approxi (largeur) 4)*4 and temp1=ref 0 and temp2=ref 0 and temp3=ref 0 in


for j = 0 to (hauteur -1) do

for i = 0 to (longli -1) do

temp1:=input_byte fic ; temp2:=input_byte fic ; temp3:=input_byte fic;

if i<(largeur-1) then begin

(bleu.(i/8).(j/8)).(i mod 8).(j mod 8) <- !temp1 ;

(vert.(i/8).(j/8)).(i mod 8).(j mod 8) <- !temp2 ;

(rouge.(i/8).(j/8)).(i mod 8).(j mod 8) <- !temp3 ; end;


(*on enleve les zero qd haut ou larg n'est pas mult de 8. on met la moy à la place*)

for i = 0 to ((hauteur /8 )-1) do

bleu.(nbl-1).(i)<- moy_mat (bleu.(nbl-1).(i)) (largeur mod 8) 8;

vert.(nbl-1).(i)<- moy_mat (vert.(nbl-1).(i)) (largeur mod 8) 8;

rouge.(nbl-1).(i)<- moy_mat (rouge.(nbl-1).(i)) (largeur mod 8) 8;


for i = 0 to ((largeur /8 )-1) do

bleu.(i).(nbh-1)<- moy_mat (bleu.(i).(nbh-1)) 8 (hauteur mod 8) ;

vert.(i).(nbh-1)<- moy_mat (vert.(i).(nbh-1)) 8 (hauteur mod 8) ;

rouge.(i).(nbh-1)<- moy_mat (rouge.(i).(nbh-1)) 8 (hauteur mod 8) ;


bleu.(nbl-1).(nbh-1)<- moy_mat (bleu.(nbl-1).(nbh-1)) (largeur mod 8) (hauteur mod 8) ;

vert.(nbl-1).(nbh-1)<- moy_mat (vert.(nbl-1).(nbh-1)) (largeur mod 8) (hauteur mod 8) ;

rouge.(nbl-1).(nbh-1)<- moy_mat (rouge.(nbl-1).(nbh-1)) (largeur mod 8) (hauteur mod 8) ;

close_in fic;(rouge,vert,bleu,largeur,hauteur);end;;




let ecrdword n fic = match (undword n ) with

(a,b,c,d)->output_byte fic a;output_byte fic b;output_byte fic c;output_byte fic d;;


let sat a = if a>255 then 255 else if a<0 then 0 else a;;


let sauve_bmp fichier rouge vert bleu largeur hauteur = let fic = open_out_bin fichier in

(*debut entete*)

output_byte fic 66;

output_byte fic 77;

ecrdword (hauteur* (approxi (largeur*3) 4)*4 +54) fic;

ecrdword 0 fic;

ecrdword 54 fic;

ecrdword 40 fic;

ecrdword largeur fic;

ecrdword hauteur fic;

output_byte fic 1;

output_byte fic 0;

output_byte fic 24;

output_byte fic 0;

ecrdword 0 fic;

ecrdword (hauteur* (approxi (largeur*3) 4)*4) fic;

ecrdword 3780 fic;

ecrdword 3780 fic;

ecrdword 0 fic;

ecrdword 0 fic;

(*fin entete*)

let rajout = (approxi (largeur*3) 4)*4-(largeur*3) in

for j = 0 to hauteur-1 do

for i = 0 to largeur-1 do

output_byte fic (sat ((bleu.(i/8).(j/8)).(i mod 8).(j mod 8)));

output_byte fic (sat ((vert.(i/8).(j/8)).(i mod 8).(j mod 8)));

output_byte fic (sat ((rouge.(i/8).(j/8)).(i mod 8).(j mod 8)));


for i = 0 to rajout-1 do output_byte fic 0 done;



close_out fic;;





(*transformation RGB <-> YCbCr*)

let YCbCr_of_RGB r g b = let y = make_matrix 8 8 0. and cb= make_matrix 8 8 0. and cr = make_matrix 8 8 0. in

for i = 0 to 7 do

for j = 0 to 7 do

y.(i).(j)<-0.299 *. (float_of_int r.(i).(j)) +. 0.587 *. (float_of_int g.(i).(j)) +. 0.114 *. (float_of_int b.(i).(j));

cb.(i).(j)<- (-.0.1687) *. (float_of_int r.(i).(j)) -. 0.3313 *. (float_of_int g.(i).(j)) +. 0.5 *. (float_of_int b.(i).(j))+.128.;

cr.(i).(j)<-0.5 *. (float_of_int r.(i).(j)) -. 0.4187 *. (float_of_int g.(i).(j)) -. 0.0813 *. (float_of_int b.(i).(j))+.128.;




let RGB_of_YCbCr y cb cr = let r = make_matrix 8 8 0 and g= make_matrix 8 8 0 and b = make_matrix 8 8 0 in

for i = 0 to 7 do

for j = 0 to 7 do

r.(i).(j)<-approx ((-.0.000036819903261) *. cb.(i).(j) +. 1.40198757694 *. cr.(i).(j) +. y.(i).(j)-.179.449696889);

g.(i).(j)<-approx ((-.0.344113281313) *. cb.(i).(j) -. 0.714103821115 *. cr.(i).(j) +. y.(i).(j)+.135.451789111);

b.(i).(j)<-approx (1.77197811674 *. cb.(i).(j) -. 0.000134583412916 *. cr.(i).(j) +. y.(i).(j)-.226.795972265);



let YCbCr_of_RGB_mat r g b = let larg = vect_length r and haut = vect_length (r.(0)) in

let y = make_matrix larg haut [|[||]|] and cb = make_matrix larg haut [|[||]|] and cr = make_matrix larg haut [|[||]|] in

for i = 0 to larg-1 do

for j = 0 to haut -1 do

y.(i).(j)<- (function (a,b,c)->a) (YCbCr_of_RGB (r.(i).(j)) (g.(i).(j)) (b.(i).(j)));

cb.(i).(j)<- (function (a,b,c)->b) (YCbCr_of_RGB (r.(i).(j)) (g.(i).(j)) (b.(i).(j)));

cr.(i).(j)<- (function (a,b,c)->c) (YCbCr_of_RGB (r.(i).(j)) (g.(i).(j)) (b.(i).(j)));



let RGB_of_YCbCr_mat r g b = let larg = vect_length r and haut = vect_length (r.(0)) in

let y = make_matrix larg haut [|[||]|] and cb = make_matrix larg haut [|[||]|] and cr = make_matrix larg haut [|[||]|] in

for i = 0 to larg-1 do

for j = 0 to haut -1 do

y.(i).(j)<- (function (a,b,c)->a) (RGB_of_YCbCr (r.(i).(j)) (g.(i).(j)) (b.(i).(j)));

cb.(i).(j)<- (function (a,b,c)->b) (RGB_of_YCbCr (r.(i).(j)) (g.(i).(j)) (b.(i).(j)));

cr.(i).(j)<- (function (a,b,c)->c) (RGB_of_YCbCr (r.(i).(j)) (g.(i).(j)) (b.(i).(j)));




(*cretion du fichier jpeg*)

let prem_string a = let chaine=ref "" in

for i = 0 to ((vect_length a)-1) do

chaine:=concat [!chaine;chr (a.(i) mod 256);chr (a.(i)/256)];



let unprem_string chai = let a = make_vect ((string_length chai)/2) 0 in

for i = 0 to ((string_length chai)/2-1) do

a.(i)<-(asc chai.[2*i])+(asc chai.[2*i+1])*256




(*attention si code binaire > 16 bits il est tronque*)


let string_of_arbre arb = let chaine = ref ""

and ds a=if a = "" then "ÿÿ" else

if (string_length a) = 1 then concat [a;(chr 0)] else if (string_length a)>2 then raise Exit else a

and ma a= if a = 0 then 1 else if a >16 then 16 else a in

for i = 0 to 127 do

let t1=ma (string_length (arb.(2*i))) and t2=ma (string_length (arb.(2*i+1))) in

chaine:=concat [!chaine ;ds ((function (a,b)->a) (unbinar ( arb.(2*i))));chr (t1-1+16*(t2-1));ds ((function (a,b)->a) (unbinar ( arb.(2*i+1))))];




(*si longueur est 1 et chaine est "1" et si elle etait suivie de 1, ce n'est pas "1" mais ""

ceci permet de stocker les caractères qui ne sont pas représentés*)


let arbre_of_string chai = let arb = make_vect 256 "" and chai2=ref "" and chai3=ref "" and temp1=ref"" and temp2=ref "" in


for i = 0 to 127 do

chai3:=sub_string !chai2 0 5 ; chai2:=sub_string !chai2 5 ((string_length !chai2)-5);

begin let t1 = ((asc !chai3.[2]) mod 16)+1 and t2= (asc !chai3.[2])/16+1 in

temp1:=sub_string (concat [binaire !chai3.[0];binaire !chai3.[1]]) 0 t1;

temp2:=sub_string (concat [binaire !chai3.[3];binaire !chai3.[4]]) 0 t2 ;

begin if !temp1= "1" & (binaire !chai3.[0]).[1] = `1` then temp1:="" end;

begin if !temp2= "1" & (binaire !chai3.[3]).[1] = `1` then temp2:="" end;

arb.(i*2)<- (!temp1);

arb.(i*2+1)<- (!temp2);end



let crstde a =begin if a<0 then raise Exit end;concat [chr (a mod 256);chr (a/256)];;

let uncrstde a = (asc a.[0])+256*(asc a.[1]);;


(*let tempory2= ref "";;*)


let creer_fichier fichier nbquant = let image = charge_bmp fichier in

let r = (function (a,b,c,d,e)->a) image

and g = (function (a,b,c,d,e)->b) image

and b = (function (a,b,c,d,e)->c) image

and largeur = (function (a,b,c,d,e)->d) image

and hauteur = (function (a,b,c,d,e)->e) image in

let lumi = YCbCr_of_RGB_mat r g b in

let y = (function (a,b,c)->a) lumi

and Cb = (function (a,b,c)->b) lumi

and Cr = (function (a,b,c)->c) lumi in

(*pour y:*)

let ycod = RLE_mat (quantification_mat (DCT_mat y) nbquant) in

let ystring = (function (a,b)->a) ycod

and yprem = (function (a,b)->b) ycod in

(*pour cb et cr*)

let cb2=downsample_mat Cb

and cr2=downsample_mat Cr in

let cb3=recolle_downsample cb2

and cr3=recolle_downsample cr2 in

let cbcod = RLE_mat (quantification_mat (DCT_mat cb3) nbquant)

and crcod = RLE_mat (quantification_mat (DCT_mat cr3) nbquant) in

let cbstring = (function (a,b)->a) cbcod

and cbprem = (function (a,b)->b) cbcod

and crstring = (function (a,b)->a) crcod

and crprem = (function (a,b)->b) crcod in

(*on applique huffman*)


print_string "taille après RLE:";

print_int (string_length (concat [(prem_string yprem);(prem_string cbprem);(prem_string crprem);ystring;cbstring;crstring]));


let huf = huffman (concat [(prem_string yprem);(prem_string cbprem);(prem_string crprem);ystring;cbstring;crstring] ) in

let hufstring = (function (a,b,c)->a) huf

and hufreste = (function (a,b,c)->b) huf

and huftab = (function (a,b,c)->c) huf in

concat [(chr (hufreste+(8*nbquant)));(crstde largeur);(crstde hauteur);(string_of_arbre huftab);hufstring];;



(*creer_fichier2 fabrique un fichier jpeq avec cb et cr non downsample*)


let creer_fichier2 fichier nbquant = let image = charge_bmp fichier in

let r = (function (a,b,c,d,e)->a) image

and g = (function (a,b,c,d,e)->b) image

and b = (function (a,b,c,d,e)->c) image

and largeur = (function (a,b,c,d,e)->d) image

and hauteur = (function (a,b,c,d,e)->e) image in

let lumi = YCbCr_of_RGB_mat r g b in

let y = (function (a,b,c)->a) lumi

and Cb = (function (a,b,c)->b) lumi

and Cr = (function (a,b,c)->c) lumi in

(*pour y:*)

let ycod = RLE_mat (quantification_mat (DCT_mat y) nbquant) in

let ystring = (function (a,b)->a) ycod

and yprem = (function (a,b)->b) ycod in

(*pour cb et cr*)

let cbcod = RLE_mat (quantification_mat (DCT_mat Cb) nbquant)

and crcod = RLE_mat (quantification_mat (DCT_mat Cr) nbquant) in

let cbstring = (function (a,b)->a) cbcod

and cbprem = (function (a,b)->b) cbcod

and crstring = (function (a,b)->a) crcod

and crprem = (function (a,b)->b) crcod in

(*on applique huffman*)



let huf = huffman (concat [(prem_string yprem);(prem_string cbprem);(prem_string crprem);ystring;cbstring;crstring] ) in

let hufstring = (function (a,b,c)->a) huf

and hufreste = (function (a,b,c)->b) huf

and huftab = (function (a,b,c)->c) huf in

concat [(chr (hufreste+(8*nbquant)));(crstde largeur);(crstde hauteur);(string_of_arbre huftab);hufstring];;




let JPEG fichier_bmp fichier_jpeg quant =

let ficjpeg = creer_fichier fichier_bmp quant in

let fic = open_out_bin fichier_jpeg in output_string fic ficjpeg;close_out fic;

print_newline();print_string "operation réalisée avec succès";;


(*jpeg2 fait jpeg sans downsample*)

let JPEG2 fichier_bmp fichier_jpeg quant =

let ficjpeg = creer_fichier2 fichier_bmp quant in

let fic = open_out_bin fichier_jpeg in output_string fic ficjpeg;close_out fic;

print_newline();print_string "operation réalisée avec succès";;



(*attention quantification<32*)



let input_string fic = let arret = ref false and chaine = ref "" in

while (not !arret) do

begin try chaine:=concat [!chaine; chr (input_byte fic)]

with End_of_file -> arret:=true

end;done;!chaine ;;


(*let appel a =if a = [|[|[|0|]|]|] then () else ();;

trace "appel";;*)

(*let lar= ref 0;;

let hau=ref 0;;*)



let unJPEG fichier_jpeg fichier_bmp =

let fic = open_in_bin fichier_jpeg in

let chai =input_string fic in

let hufraj= (asc (chai.[0])) mod 8

and quant = (asc (chai.[0]))/8

and chai1=sub_string chai 1 2

and chai2=sub_string chai 3 2 in

let largeur= uncrstde chai1

and hauteur= uncrstde chai2

and charb= sub_string chai 5 640

and chaihuf=sub_string chai 645 ((string_length chai)-645) in

let arb = arbre_of_string charb in

let chaidec = unhuffman chaihuf arb hufraj in

let z=( (approxi hauteur 8) * (approxi largeur 8) + 2* ((approxi (approxi hauteur 8) 2) * (approxi (approxi largeur 8) 2))) in

let prem = sub_string chaidec 0 (2*z) (*2*z car stocké sur deux octets*)

and reste = sub_string chaidec (2*z) ((string_length chaidec)-(2*z)) in

let matri =unRLE_mat reste

and premiers=unprem_string prem in



for i = 0 to ((vect_length premiers)-1) do


(*on a les matrices en lignes qui se suivent y puis cb puis cr*)

let x = ref 0

and y = make_matrix (approxi largeur 8) (approxi hauteur 8) [|[||]|]

and cb= make_matrix (approxi (approxi largeur 8) 2) (approxi (approxi hauteur 8) 2) [|[||]|]

and cr= make_matrix (approxi (approxi largeur 8) 2) (approxi (approxi hauteur 8) 2) [|[||]|] in

for i = 0 to ((approxi largeur 8 )-1) do

for j = 0 to ((approxi hauteur 8 )-1) do


x:= !x +1;



for i = 0 to ((approxi (approxi largeur 8 ) 2)-1) do

for j = 0 to ((approxi (approxi hauteur 8 ) 2)-1) do


x:= !x +1;



for i = 0 to ((approxi (approxi largeur 8 ) 2)-1) do

for j = 0 to ((approxi (approxi hauteur 8 ) 2)-1) do


x:= !x +1;




let y2 = unDCT_mat (dequantification_mat y quant)


let cb2 = undownsample_mat (unrecolle_downsample (unDCT_mat (dequantification_mat cb quant)) largeur hauteur)


let cr2 = undownsample_mat (unrecolle_downsample (unDCT_mat (dequantification_mat cr quant)) largeur hauteur) in

let rgb= RGB_of_YCbCr_mat y2 cb2 cr2 in

sauve_bmp fichier_bmp ((function (a,b,c)->a) rgb) ((function (a,b,c)->b) rgb) ((function (a,b,c)->c) rgb) largeur hauteur;

print_newline();print_string "opération terminée avec succès";;


(*unjpeg2 fait le contraire de jpeg2 donc jpeg sans downsample *)


let unJPEG2 fichier_jpeg fichier_bmp =

let fic = open_in_bin fichier_jpeg in

let chai =input_string fic in

let hufraj= (asc (chai.[0])) mod 8

and quant = (asc (chai.[0]))/8

and chai1=sub_string chai 1 2

and chai2=sub_string chai 3 2 in

let largeur= uncrstde chai1

and hauteur= uncrstde chai2

and charb= sub_string chai 5 640

and chaihuf=sub_string chai 645 ((string_length chai)-645) in

let arb = arbre_of_string charb in

let chaidec = unhuffman chaihuf arb hufraj in

let z=((approxi hauteur 8) * (approxi largeur 8))*3 in

let prem = sub_string chaidec 0 (2*z) (*2*z car stocké sur deux octets*)

and reste = sub_string chaidec (2*z) ((string_length chaidec)-(2*z)) in

let matri =unRLE_mat reste

and premiers=unprem_string prem in



for i = 0 to ((vect_length premiers)-1) do


(*on a les matrices en lignes qui se suivent y puis cb puis cr*)

let x = ref 0

and y = make_matrix (approxi largeur 8) (approxi hauteur 8) [|[||]|]

and cb= make_matrix (approxi largeur 8) (approxi hauteur 8) [|[||]|]

and cr= make_matrix (approxi largeur 8) (approxi hauteur 8) [|[||]|] in

for i = 0 to ((approxi largeur 8 )-1) do

for j = 0 to ((approxi hauteur 8 )-1) do


x:= !x +1;



for i = 0 to ((approxi largeur 8 ) -1) do

for j = 0 to ((approxi hauteur 8 ) -1) do


x:= !x +1;



for i = 0 to ((approxi largeur 8 ) -1) do

for j = 0 to ((approxi hauteur 8 ) -1) do


x:= !x +1;




let y2 = unDCT_mat (dequantification_mat y quant)


let cb2 = unDCT_mat (dequantification_mat cb quant)


let cr2 = unDCT_mat (dequantification_mat cr quant) in

let rgb= RGB_of_YCbCr_mat y2 cb2 cr2 in

sauve_bmp fichier_bmp ((function (a,b,c)->a) rgb) ((function (a,b,c)->b) rgb) ((function (a,b,c)->c) rgb) largeur hauteur;

print_newline();print_string "opération terminée avec succès";;






let creer_fichierFFT fichier nbquant = let image = charge_bmp fichier in

let r = (function (a,b,c,d,e)->a) image

and g = (function (a,b,c,d,e)->b) image

and b = (function (a,b,c,d,e)->c) image

and largeur = (function (a,b,c,d,e)->d) image

and hauteur = (function (a,b,c,d,e)->e) image in

let lumi = YCbCr_of_RGB_mat r g b in

let y = (function (a,b,c)->a) lumi

and Cb = (function (a,b,c)->b) lumi

and Cr = (function (a,b,c)->c) lumi in

(*pour y:*)

let ycod = RLE_mat (quantification_mat (FFT_mat y) nbquant) in

let ystring = (function (a,b)->a) ycod

and yprem = (function (a,b)->b) ycod in

(*pour cb et cr*)

let cb2=downsample_mat Cb

and cr2=downsample_mat Cr in

let cb3=recolle_downsample cb2

and cr3=recolle_downsample cr2 in

let cbcod = RLE_mat (quantification_mat (FFT_mat cb3) nbquant)

and crcod = RLE_mat (quantification_mat (FFT_mat cr3) nbquant) in

let cbstring = (function (a,b)->a) cbcod

and cbprem = (function (a,b)->b) cbcod

and crstring = (function (a,b)->a) crcod

and crprem = (function (a,b)->b) crcod in

(*on applique huffman*)


let huf = huffman (concat [(prem_string yprem);(prem_string cbprem);(prem_string crprem);ystring;cbstring;crstring] ) in

let hufstring = (function (a,b,c)->a) huf

and hufreste = (function (a,b,c)->b) huf

and huftab = (function (a,b,c)->c) huf in

concat [(chr (hufreste+(8*nbquant)));(crstde largeur);(crstde hauteur);(string_of_arbre huftab);hufstring];;


let JPEGFFT fichier_bmp fichier_jpeg quant =

let ficjpeg = creer_fichierFFT fichier_bmp quant in

let fic = open_out_bin fichier_jpeg in output_string fic ficjpeg;close_out fic;

print_newline();print_string "operation réalisée avec succès";;


let unJPEGFFT fichier_jpeg fichier_bmp =

let fic = open_in_bin fichier_jpeg in

let chai =input_string fic in

let hufraj= (asc (chai.[0])) mod 8

and quant = (asc (chai.[0]))/8

and chai1=sub_string chai 1 2

and chai2=sub_string chai 3 2 in

let largeur= uncrstde chai1

and hauteur= uncrstde chai2

and charb= sub_string chai 5 640

and chaihuf=sub_string chai 645 ((string_length chai)-645) in

let arb = arbre_of_string charb in

let chaidec = unhuffman chaihuf arb hufraj in

let z=( (approxi hauteur 8) * (approxi largeur 8) + 2* ((approxi (approxi hauteur 8) 2) * (approxi (approxi largeur 8) 2))) in

let prem = sub_string chaidec 0 (2*z) (*2*z car stocké sur deux octets*)

and reste = sub_string chaidec (2*z) ((string_length chaidec)-(2*z)) in

let matri =unRLE_mat reste

and premiers=unprem_string prem in



for i = 0 to ((vect_length premiers)-1) do


(*on a les matrices en lignes qui se suivent y puis cb puis cr*)

let x = ref 0

and y = make_matrix (approxi largeur 8) (approxi hauteur 8) [|[||]|]

and cb= make_matrix (approxi (approxi largeur 8) 2) (approxi (approxi hauteur 8) 2) [|[||]|]

and cr= make_matrix (approxi (approxi largeur 8) 2) (approxi (approxi hauteur 8) 2) [|[||]|] in

for i = 0 to ((approxi largeur 8 )-1) do

for j = 0 to ((approxi hauteur 8 )-1) do


x:= !x +1;



for i = 0 to ((approxi (approxi largeur 8 ) 2)-1) do

for j = 0 to ((approxi (approxi hauteur 8 ) 2)-1) do


x:= !x +1;



for i = 0 to ((approxi (approxi largeur 8 ) 2)-1) do

for j = 0 to ((approxi (approxi hauteur 8 ) 2)-1) do


x:= !x +1;




let y2 = unFFT_mat (dequantification_mat y quant)


let cb2 = undownsample_mat (unrecolle_downsample (unFFT_mat (dequantification_mat cb quant)) largeur hauteur)


let cr2 = undownsample_mat (unrecolle_downsample (unFFT_mat (dequantification_mat cr quant)) largeur hauteur) in

let rgb= RGB_of_YCbCr_mat y2 cb2 cr2 in

sauve_bmp fichier_bmp ((function (a,b,c)->a) rgb) ((function (a,b,c)->b) rgb) ((function (a,b,c)->c) rgb) largeur hauteur;

print_newline();print_string "opération terminée avec succès";;

Page principale